Dress Code

JR Robson Clothing Guidelines


Students will follow certain protocols when it comes to acceptable clothing at JR Robson School.  As a Grade 7-12 public school we host students of various backgrounds and ages.  Students and staff are expected to model and reinforce socially responsible and respectful behaviors so that teaching and learning can take place in a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that recognizes diversity and respects all others regardless of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, or sexual orientation of that person. 

The following protocols are based on BTPS Policies for Students and the feedback received from a student and parent survey conducted in 2018.  The JR Robson School clothing protocols will apply fairly to all students.  The majority of parents and students surveyed indicated the following: that student clothing should be considerate of the moral values of other staff and students; student clothing does not improve student learning;

Clothing expectations:

The following expectations are set out but are not limited to that listed below.  It is JR Robson School’s expectation that clothing will have no:

  • references to drugs or alcohol
  • images or language that are considered vulgar or suggestive images and language that could be interpreted as being vulgar or offensive.
  • undergarments showing
  • Inappropriate exposure (of legs, torso)
  • see-through clothing
  • ball caps or hats unless with medical documentation or for religious reasoning

Response to Inappropriate Clothing

School administration will determine if a student is wearing inappropriate clothing or attire.

Students with inappropriate clothing will have the following options:

  1. Change clothes when asked into something which meets the clothing expectations
  2. Wear a ‘loaner’ garment from the School
  3. Have the parent bring a change of clothing to the school for the student.
  4. After parent notification, the student may return home to change clothing.

Students will remain out of class until they are able to change the clothing in question.  Repetitive violations will be considered a behavioral issue and will be dealt with through our Positive Behavior Plan.